Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Funny Valentine

What a great Valentine's Day we had this year. At a year and a half old, Teeny was really able to get into his party at daycare and have a blast. Being the involved, attentive mother I am, I judiciously filled out store-bought valentines for all of his little friends at daycare and was proud of myself for doing so. Last year, when he was still in the infant room, it never crossed my mind to get valentines for him to hand out. I was pretty embarassed to find a whole box full of them for him from all of his tiny, toothless classmates. Who knew that infants exchanged valentines?

So this year, I had it together. I had the full class list and a box of cute valentines with puppies and kittens on them. I even had everything filled out two nights before Valentine's Day! This is an unheard of feat for me. Normally, I'd be flying through them in the morning before work, probably missing a few names and making myself late in the process. But this year, I was ultra organized and prepared. I've got this mommy thing down!

Imagine my alarm when I got to daycare and saw Teeny's cubby filled with goody bags and numerous treats. Seriously? Babies give each candy for Valentine's Day? I had no idea. Half the toddlers in his class have four teeth or less. Why in the world are we giving candy to them?

So, I feel pretty cheap once again for only giving out cards. Not to make myself sound completely ancient, but in my day that's all kids gave each other on Valentine's Day.

All in all, though, Valentine's Day was a huge hit. Teeny had a great time at his daycare party, I was able to sneak some cookies and a funny card onto S.'s desk at work to commemorate the holiday, and when I got home from class that night I was greeted by my boys, S. and Teeny, as happy as I'd ever seen them. Teeny was inexplicably stripped down to his onsie (sometime it's better not to ask questions) and sitting in his high chair eating a very healthy dinner (yay, S!) S was wearing my flowered winter hat (again, best to not ask questions) and both boys were laughing their heads off. I just about cried it made me so happy to see them so happy. To top it off, there was a huge, gorgeous peace lily in the kitchen for me, a margarita pizza and frozen yogurt in the freezer and a lot of chopped up fresh fruit in the fridge. It was really a perfect Valentine's Day for me. How lucky I am to have such a wonderful little family. If Valentine's Day is all about feeling and spreading the love, the mission was accomplished at our house.

Now I just have to start plotting our Valentine goody bags for next year...

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