Saturday, July 12, 2008

Great New Diet Plan

Here's a fab new way to reduce your calorie intake and ultimately lose weight. I never knew of this diet before I became a mom. I experienced it firsthand tonight.

1. Go to Mama Mia's with husband and son.

2. In order to be seated more quickly, agree to let son sit in a booster seat rather than a high chair, even though he's still too young for a booster.

3. Fearing for son's life in the booster seat, sit next to him in the booth and keep your arm around him. If you're a rigthty, as I am, make sure you're holding your child with your right arm.

4. Find yourself needing to feed son, because though he does know how to feed himself, soup and ravioli are far too messy when in a restaurant. Enjoy the added challenge of feeding him left-handed, because you are still holding him in place with your right arm and can't let go.

5. While son chews his food, try to get a bite or two yourself with your left hand. Slow going indeed.

6. Make sure to do all of this close to son's bedtime, so he's more likely to melt down fifteen minutes into the meal. That way, you'll only be able to eat five or six bites of your meal before you have to get him out of there.

7. Walk out of Mama Mia's for the first time in your life STILL HUNGRY. I never imagined it was possible! You will find that eating in this manner will allow you to attain a svelte and girlish figure. At least that's what I'm hoping for!